Saturday 25 May 2013

Full House Season 1, Episode 2: Our Very First Night

This can't end well.

One night, Jesse and Joey successfully change Michelle's diaper. Funnily enough, they can't fit her pyjamas over the two diapers they've put on her. Danny comes in and tries to burn them with a Tarzan joke. Danny needs better writers. The guys have a hard time putting DJ and Stephanie to bed - the girls demand a bedtime story, probably for the last time since the comedian, songwriter, and sportscaster have a hard time coming up with anything good. 

Oh crap! Jesse, Danny, and Joey have all made plans for the evening! Someone has to look after the girls and the chimps are unavailable. Jesse is stuck missing his band practice and as soon as the other men leave, DJ and Stephanie are in the kitchen making ice cream sundaes because they have no respect for Jesse's authority. They get all hopped up on sugar and trash their room. Downstairs, Jesse has invited his band over to practice in the livingroom. DJ and Stephanie put on their party clothes and have pizza delivered. Ten minutes later, the girls have dyed hair and are go-go dancing on the amps. Joey comes in and starts a conga line, because...well, because he's Joey. Danny walks in and the party dies, but he's used to that. Jesse covers for the girls, saying he woke them up, ordered them pizza, and forced them to be his back-up dancers.

Upstairs in Michelle's room, Danny yells at Jesse, furious that one of his free nannies didn't parent his daughters to his satisfaction. It's so hard to get good help!

Danny visits the girls' room and finds them pretending to be asleep. He spots evidence of ice cream sundaes. Nothing gets past Danny - he gets the girls to admit that they took advantage of Uncle Jesse's pretty, dumb head. The girls apologize to Jesse and agree to behave. Then they finally go to bed for real this time, damn.

Danny apologizes to Jesse for throwing a hissy fit. Danny tells Jesse and Joey that kids need limits, and they shouldn't be afraid to say no to them. The guys agree they all want this arrangement to work. Then they do a conga line into Michelle's room.


Award for legitimately funny line goes to: Still no contenders.

Line that generated the biggest eyeroll: Joey saying "I bring the gift of laughter to the world."

First appearance of: Joey's Bullwinkle impression

Behind-the-scenes laugh: While watching the early scene of the guys in Michelle's room, my companion asked "Is this the one where they sing to her?" I explained that that's like asking if this is the Friends episode where Monica is shrill. 

Episode rating: These early episodes are pretty dull. 1 out of 5 Tarzan loincloths.

Photo source: Ogvideo

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